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Boost Engagement and Retention with Creonow: The Ultimate ePortfolio Platform

Creonow, an evidence-based workforce skills ePortfolio Platform offers Institutes instant access to a wealth of Student Engagement avenues across all Study and Career Clusters within Career and Technical Education with no investment, a 50% reduction in student dropout, and a 45% increase in student engagement.

Benefits to Institutes

Guarding Against Revenue Loss from High Dropout Rates

Building Evidence-based ePortfolios for Students

Matching the Right Jobs with the Right Skills

Engaging Candidates through Custom Webinars and Competitions

Creonow: The Comprehensive, Integrative Solution for Institutes

The advantages of Creonow are multifold for Institutes. It readily integrates with any LMS and has no technical overheads. The Admin Console is simple and can be easily managed through the existing resources of the institutes. Creonow is a white-labeled application and proper institute branding can be applied to it. It provides enhanced visibility through runtime Data Analytics and Reporting that can facilitate informed decision-making with the help of Data Analytics that can track student engagement, performance, and areas of improvement.

Advantage of Creonow

Reduce clutter and increase student's focus

Helping organizations gettng trained workforce from this platform

Enhance Student Engagement with Gamified Rewards

Build Student's Life Skills using Creo Live and Success Trends


CTE Institutes

Creonow offers CTE Institutes instant access to a wealth of Student Engagement avenues across all 16 Study and Career Clusters within Career and Technical Education (CTE).



Creonow is committed to revolutionizing employee hiring and recruitment by providing companies access to the right skilled work-ready resources who can be productive from day one.



Creonow is committed to revolutionizing nonprofit organizations' engagement by providing them access to the right skilled work-ready resources for their voluntary work.


Grant Program

Creonow is committed to the growth of CTE Institutes by providing them access to the flagship ePortfolio platform along with several innovative initiatives to unlock their full potential.